Jones Academy of Clinical Embryology

This Idea was conceived by a group of senior Embryologists, to give their accumulated experience in the field of Clinical Embryology, over the years what they have gained, to the generation next. This Institute is dedicated to create more embryologists, with purely on the basis of hands on training and problem-solving skills.

Sharing Knowledge is WISDOM.

The TEAM JACE is happy to welcome you. Come Experience, Explore and Expand your knowledge and skills with us

“To empower, encourage, guide, and inspire by being the essential centre for clinical embryology teaching and training.”

JACE Mission

“Nurture imagination, promote lifelong learning and enrich the embryologist’s community.”

Value Statement

Technical Expert
Efficiently perform laboratory technical procedures.


Service in administrative and leadership roles.


Contribute to the advancement, refinement and application of new scientific knowledge.


Effectively work within a team to achieve optimal patient care.


Demonstrate a commitment to reflective learning.


Accurately convey relevant information and explanations to patients and colleagues.


Facilitate the leaning of juniors.